The Fantasy Football Troll (Part 2)

Second part of this article in which we will explain how you can become the biggest troll in your fantasy community, tips and tricks to destabilize your rivals, steal players from other managers, and most importantly, have a good laugh.

Remember this is a continuation of the article: The Fantasy Football Troll (Part 1)
The Excel Trick
This works quite well in communities where you can't see the money balance or bidding amounts of your rivals. It consists of making everyone believe that you keep detailed accounts of each and every signing that has taken place, and that way you know how much each person can bid. Another option is to mention an Excel sheet where you can calculate the players' price increase to adjust your bids or predict the points they might score this season based on the chronicler, statistics, or whatever it may be. Let your imagination run wild and drive your opponents crazy.
The Maldini from the Supermarket Trick
I really like this one. You've signed a player who has just arrived in the league, you're not sure if they will be the points vineyard you expect or if they will be a guaranteed starter. So, it's time for a bit of marketing to sell them, let's make our player very appealing to our competitors. Open YouTube, find a video with the best highlights, and share it in the WhatsApp group, make them believe that the player will be the flagship of your team and one of the revelations of the league. If you're right, you'll keep them and your fame will grow, and if not, you can always sell them at a good price.
The bidding in bulk Trick
For this move, you'll need the collaboration of another player in your league, try to choose someone who, like you, is one of the top players in your league. Check out the teams of other managers, especially those who never sell anyone because "if you ask about them, they must be really good", focus on the player who is the biggest dud in their squad, those minimum-value players that you know even if all the players in their position were unavailable, the coach would rather put the second-choice goalkeeper as a full-back than field them. Once located, make an offer of 160,000 euros, and a few minutes later, your accomplice can make another similar offer. The smoke bomb has been launched, they will spend an entire afternoon figuring out if the player is going out on loan or if they are the reincarnation of Cristiano Ronaldo. I've seen people endure true duds until November.
The fake injury Trick
With this technique, the only thing we will achieve is to scare a manager who went all-in with a signing. To do this, we'll use Google to search for some old news to make them believe for a few minutes that they wasted their money miserably, until they see the date of the news and can breathe easy. Another option is a screenshot cropping out the dates or even pages that allow you to create fake news with a photo and wording.
All of these tricks have been tested and proven by me during my years of fantasy football.
Soon, the third part will come so you can be the biggest troll of your community.
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