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The 23 rules of street soccer from my time

Author Comuniate
Fantasy LaLiga expert

Funny article for all those crazy about the ball who were born before the year 2000. Totally agree on all points, those good times, when to play with the ball all you needed was an improvised ball made of papers and a pair of jackets or stones to make the goals.

1.- The chubby kid is always the goalkeeper.
2.- The game ends when everyone is tired.
3.- Even if the score is 20-0, it is decided by "who scores, wins".
4.- There is no referee.
5.- Only a foul is called if it's very clear or someone ends up crying.
6.- There is no offside.
7.- If the ball owner gets angry, the game is over.
8.- The two best players cannot be on the same team and they choose who plays on their team.
9.- Being the last one selected is a big humiliation.
10.- On direct free kicks, the wall is always quite close to the ball.
11.- The game stops when an elderly person or a mother with a baby stroller passes by.
12.- Players from the nearest neighborhood are enemies forever.
13.- Those who have no clue about playing stay as substitutes, or at most, as defenders.
14.- If adults show up to play, you have to leave the court or field, but not before protesting.
15.- There is always a neighbor who doesn't let you play and even threatens to take away the ball.
16.- If something is wagered, you have to get very serious... it's like playing in a final.
17.- The goals are two stones or two track jackets, but there will always be a team with the smallest goal.
18.- When a team scores by lobbing the ball over the goalkeeper, the opposing team shouts "HIGH" (often successful in disallowing the goal).
19.- The bottle rule, he who kicks it goes to get it.
20.- If there's a penalty, the chubby one is swapped for the best shooter.
21.- If you nutmeg someone or get nutmegged, the whole neighborhood knows about it the next day.
22.- In front of the goalkeeper, it's not allowed to shoot the ball "as hard as you can".
23.- You always forget the jacket you used as a goalpost and have to go back to get it.

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